Dwight Alan Bickel
Attorney at Law
Real Property Title Advisor

Before you offer to purchase expensive real property, there is a lot you should know about that property. The real property title records will show limitations upon what you can do upon your own land. Often it is not easy to discover burdens upon real property that can be unrecorded. Start with the guidance found on this web site to learn what questions to ask to disclose possible real property title issues. Then review the page, entitled “Should you ask your own real estate lawyer?” to review a list of questions that Dwight Bickel could answer for you during a short and inexpensive consultation, preferably at the property with you.

Title Report Checklists For Purchaser or Seller

Both the seller and a purchaser of real property should review and understand every item disclosed in a title report.

Click here to review a Purchaser’s Title Report Checklist of items you should review and questions you should ask the real estate broker.

Click here to review a Seller’s Title Report Checklist

Inspection Tips to Identify Unrecorded Title Claims

A purchaser of land should inspect the perimeter of the land to reveal apparent boundary questions and to reveal possible rights to use that land that are not disclosed in a title report.

Click here to review major risks that an inspection might reveal and examples of unrecorded title problems.


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